Traditional food and drinks in Korca Region
Korca Region is well-known in Albania for the best combination of songs, music, dances and traditional food and drinks.
Saze (Albanian traditional clarinet) music is played throughout southern Albania and especially in urban centers such as Korça, but we don’t have to let apart the Korca serenades and “valle” (a typical Albanian dance) of Dardha or Devolli.
The number of folk costumes in the area also makes the Region very rich in tradition and offer various combination.
Visiting the Region you can have a bouquet of many different and unique dances and songs from the villages and city itself.
- Folklore night with the group of saze and Zhani Struga, the clarinet player priced with “Usta Laver Bariu” National Price
- Dancing with the representative group of Korca Region the typical Korca Valle’s
- Singing with the Korca serenades group and guitar player
- Traditional food and drinks in characteristic restaurants
- Meeting locals and explore rural areas
Price per person 55 euro
Included in the price:
Lunch in Voskopoja or Dardha + 1 drink (wine, raki or beer)
Dinner in Korca city + 1 drink (wine, raki or beer)
Folklore group
Serenades group
Dancers group
Professional local guide during all the stay in Korca
Visit the museum and Artisan Center in Erseka